7 Essential tips for hiking safely
M Mystery Ranch UK

7 Essential Items for Your Hiking Backpack

Jul 24, 2024

Heading out on a hike can be exciting but, without the correct equipment, a fun day out can quickly turn into a challenging ordeal. Whether you are planning a short day hike or a more ambitious multi-day trek, having the right gear is crucial for your safety and enjoyment. In this guide, we explore the seven essential items that should be in every hiker’s backpack. From a suitable hiking backpack to hygiene products, these hiking essentials will ensure you’re ready to tackle any trail with confidence and peace of mind.

  • Defining Your Hike
  • A Suitable Hiking Backpack
  • Appropriate Hiking Clothing
  • Hiking Shoes or Boots
  • Food and Water
  • Navigation Tools
  • Emergency First Aid Equipment
  • Hygiene Products
  • Other Additional Items That May Be Essential Depending on Your Hike
  • Make Carrying Your Essential Hiking Gear Easy with a Hiking Backpack


Defining Your Hike

Defining your hike is essential to ensure you pack not only the right amount of gear but also the right type of gear. For example, the equipment you would need to take on a short half-day hike would differ from a multi-day hike. But you should also consider the type of climbing and technical difficulty you will endure as this will also affect the gear you need.

 Before you start packing your bags, take a second to think about:

  • The duration of your hike
  • The distance you intend to walk
  • Whether there will be any intense climbing involved
  • The technical difficulty of the walk
  • The climate
  • The season
  • The weather


A Suitable Hiking Backpack

First on the checklist is a suitable hiking backpack. There are a range of backpacks available that are all suitable for hiking but the size and features of the backpack will depend on your defined hike. For example, a small backpack, such as our Gallagator Daypack or Gallagator 10, is an ideal size for shorter hikes but a longer outing requires a pack with a larger capacity like our Bridger 35 or Coulee 50 to fit all the essentials needed for a longer hike.

Don’t forget to pack your items into a drybag too! This will protect your items, especially your clothes and any electronics, from getting wet.


Appropriate Hiking Clothing

The type of clothing you wear on a hike will depend on the climate, season and weather conditions. For warm and sunny days, you may want to consider breathable clothing to reduce overheating but you will also want to consider wearing clothing that protects against the sun. For rainier days, waterproofs are key! Rainwear including tops and bottoms will keep you dry while insulated jackets will keep you warm.

You should also consider accessories to protect other areas of your body. With sunglasses and a cap, you can protect your eyes and face from the sun. You could also opt for gloves and a warm hat in colder climates.


Hiking Shoes or Boots

To complete the look, the appropriate footwear is essential to ensure comfort on hikes. The type of footwear you choose will depend on the terrain. For smooth trails, hiking shoes or sandals will be suitable depending on the weather. For rockier paths, hiking boots may be the preferred choice as they offer more support and stability on uneven surfaces.


Food and Water

Food and hydration are a must on any hike. Even if you are only going on a short walk, we recommend bringing snacks just in case you need an energy boost. Water is also a must as you need to stay hydrated during the hike. But how much water should you bring? We suggest you take about one litre of water per person per hour but this will also differ depending on the intensity of your hike, weather conditions and your body. You know your body better than anyone so take this measure as a guide!


Navigation Tools

Navigation tools are particularly handy as you never know when you might get lost. But don’t just rely on your phone! Having a map and compass will ensure you always have a method of navigation on hand, particularly in areas where you can’t get any service.


Emergency First Aid Equipment

Being prepared for anything on a hike can make all the difference, especially in an emergency situation. A first aid kit will provide you with the tools to handle minor injuries or more serious injuries before the emergency services reach you. We also recommend you take some pain medication, antibacterial wipes and a flashlight as you never know what might happen during your hike.


Hygiene Products

It’s good to stay hygienic while on a hike. By bringing some hand sanitiser, tissues, wet wipes and insect repellent with you, you can protect yourself from germs and fend off any pesky bugs. Depending on where you plan to hike, you might also want to think about using tick repellent!


Other Additional Items That May Be Essential Depending on Your Hike

With so many factors that can change the type of hike you find yourself on, you might also want to bring some of the following to make your hike enjoyable and comfortable:

  • Walking poles
  • A rain cover
  • A tent, sleeping bag and other overnight essentials
  • A microfibre towel
  • A camping stove with a pot and cutlery
  • A harness, rope and carabiner for hikes on exposed terrain


Make Carrying Your Essential Hiking Gear Easy with a Hiking Backpack

The first step to a good hiking trip is to have a comfortable hiking pack to make carrying all your essentials easier. At Mystery Ranch, we have a range of hiking packs to suit all types of hikes. From our simple Gallagator Daypack to our Coulee 50 and Bridger 45 which all come with bells and whistles, we have something for everyone in our extensive range. Take a look at our Hiking Gear range today and put comfort first during your next hike.



What do you need in a backpack for hiking?

The items you need to bring on a hike differ depending on the type of hike you’re about to embark on. Some essentials we recommend taking on your next hike are:

  • Food and water with some extra snacks just in case
  • Navigation tools
  • An emergency first aid kit
  • Medicine such as painkillers
  • A flashlight or headlamp
  • Hand sanitiser
  • Tissues
  • Insect repellent and/or tick repellent

What is the most common mistake first time hikers make?

Not doing your research before your hike can be detrimental to your time on the trail. From underestimating how much water you will need to not wearing the appropriate clothing, there are many areas where a hike can go wrong. By defining your hike before you start packing your hiking pack, you will be able to pack the appropriate gear and be prepared for any situation.


How man litres of space for a 3-day hike?

The size of your pack will depend on how long you are planning to hike for and the weather conditions you find yourself in. For a three-day hike in sunny weather, a pack of about 35 to 50 litres will be more than enough. This will ensure you have enough space for a sleeping bag, small tent, pad and extra clothing. We recommend our Bridger 35 or 45 or Coulee 50 if you are planning to carry some extra items.